‘Tis the Season

ePathfinderErik MirandaFeature

‘Tis the Season

DBHS takes on winter break

Many students are awaiting the relaxation that comes with winter break after this midterm season. The two-week break allows students to decompress after a long semester of work and gives them time to spend with family and friends while celebrating the holidays during this time of year.

As the break draws closer, many students have begun discussing their plans for the two weeks of no school. Winter is the perfect season to venture out and explore places with others. Some already excitedly anticipate their vacations elsewhere.

“I’m going out of town to Orlando,” Deerfield Beach High School sophomore Zolliet Nguyen said. “I will be spending break with family.”

“I’m going to Wisconsin and I’m going to touch snow for the first time,” DBHS sophomore Marely Mondragon said. “I also do a little Secret Santa with family and friends.”

The season also invites holiday cheer as family and friends cozy up in the warmth of their homes. Traditions typically follow this time of year, in which students partake in multiple festivities outside of school. Despite taking trips, others prefer a more casual way of spending their time.

“I’m going to Santa’s Enchanted Forest with my boyfriend and a couple of friends, just staying in town,” DBHS sophomore Jaslyn Carrion said. “I’m also excited to sleep as long as I want to without getting up early.”

“I’m going with my dad’s side of the family for Christmas and then hanging out with my sister,” Nguyen added.

Although there are many ways to spend the holiday, finding respite from the chaos after midterms is just as rewarding. Others prefer to enjoy the modicum of peace that no school brings. Whether that be partaking in hobbies or watching TV with relatives, the simple things often bring the most pleasure.

“I’m going to be spending time with family, opening presents, and eating Christmas food,” DBHS freshman Marsha Prosper said. “I’ll also be participating in a Secret Santa.”

As midterm season rolls over, students await in excitement and prepare plans to keep them busy for the coming weeks. There is much to do with time during vacation from school’s taxing work. Through planning for their break, DBHS students have found much in common with one another’s ideas and cannot wait to begin.

Written by Erik Miranda  | Graphic Designed by Erik Miranda