Traditional vs. Online Schooling

ePathfinderIvy GarciaJennifer LandaverdePerspectives

Traditional vs. Online Schooling

Work at a comfortable pace

The battle between online school and traditional school has been a topic circulating in the community of parents and students within the system of education. Both are options that anyone is free to make depending on their circumstance. Especially since the global pandemic of COVID-19, this idea has only expanded. There are both pros and cons to both types of schooling, but the best is yet to be determined.

Traditional schooling provides in-person interactions. Teens can build a social group with peers and teachers to form a multitude of memories. Plus, teachers are present to teach the curriculum and are able to answer questions that arise during the moment. After-school activities are also available for kids to indulge in certain interests and hobbies. The aura surrounding such a public and social place can liven up someone’s day while creating a routine crucial for everyday life further from the point of high school.

Although, one of the issues with face-to-face education is overcrowding. It can prove to be a big problem for teachers as it can get in the way of investing their time in the students without feeling

overwhelmed and stressed. There’s also the problem of early routines causing fatigue for teens that have an altered circadian rhythm.

On the other hand, there is the option of online school. Which is a path open at any time for eligible kids. They get to make the most of their hours and create a schedule that is the pace of their lifestyle. This is a chance that students usually take to better their individual agenda and get away from the over stimulation that school can give. For others, it’s better to work from the comfort of their own bed or at a café of their choice.

In either case, there are similar factors that students will have to face. Managing their time, waking up, going to bed at a decent time so that the next day can be productive, and having friends that don’t have the same schedule because they might participate in the opposite schooling environment.

In the end, the choice is all on the student themselves and the extent of how much they know about their habits. For students that work better alone, online school is the option. For those that prefer the bustling environment, traditional school is the way to go.

Written by Ivy Garcia | Graphic Designed by Jennifer Landaverde