
Think about how happy you are when you’re doing what you love. Now, imagine sharing that passion with others. What better feeling is there? School volunteers find deep satisfaction in their work with students at Deerfield Beach High School.

Whether you are a student seeking community service opportunities, a parent or grandparent seeking to become more involved in the education of your children or grandchildren, a retired or senior citizen seeking an outlet for your talents, experiences, and skills, or a corporation wishing to give your employees greater opportunity to be involved in their community, the Volunteer Services program has the answer to your needs.

To learn more about how adults can participate as school volunteers, download Pathways for Volunteers (PDF).

Adults must complete the Volunteer Application online to be considered as a volunteer. Click Here to Apply!

*If you are a high school student seeking information on Service Learning Graduation Requirements and the Student Volunteer Service Program, visit the counseling office in the 150 hallway or click on this link for more information.