War on Wage

ePathfinderKamryn SpinaPerspectives

War on Wage

Is the minimum wage too much or not enough? 

In current years, the war on minimum wage has been raging in the world, especially for the working class. Arguments over whether it should be increased, decreased, or kept the same go on constantly. People believe that the minimum wage should increase for many valid reasons.

For starters an increase would lead to a decrease in poverty rates, allow more people to support their families, and it could grow the economy. From afar, it sounds like it would solve many problems and keep people from living on the streets, yet when looking deeper into it the amount of issues it could bring is worrisome.

The problem with increasing the minimum wage would be that it would increase the cost of employing low-wage workers, can lead to inflation, and would increase unemployment levels sufficiently. No matter how one looks at these problems, the decrease or increase of minimum wage would have many cons which might not outweigh the good.

Therefore, the ongoing argument about minimum wage cannot be solved entirely. To improve minimum wage sounds good in theory and while it would solve some issues more would arise. However, lowering it could do the same thing. The problem of poverty and unemployment is serious and should be taken into consideration, whereas trying to solve these problems will only cause an endless cycle of the same thing.

No matter what side of this debate gets chosen by the majority, issues that cannot be altered are still present. Overall, the never-ending debate on whether it is right to increase wages or decrease the minimum wage will continue to be a heavy topic.

Written by Kamryn Spina | Graphic Designed by Kamryn Spina