Ways to Support Black History Month from Home

ePathfinderFeatureReema ShatherStacey Martinez

Ways to Support Black History Month from Home

With the internet, Black History Month has Never Been Easier to Support

As Black History Month comes to a close, it is vital to reflect on the month as a time to recognize the achievements and triumphs of African Americans throughout U.S. history. While options are limited when it comes to supporting the month from home, there are still plenty of ways to do so.

Social media can be a way of appreciating and helping Black establishments. Many Black-owned businesses still suffer from racism, making it harder to last in the industry in comparison to their white peers. But finding these companies has never been easier with the efficiency of the internet. Using the #blackowned online hashtag is a helpful start to searching for anything. Finding these companies and taking the time to support them is endlessly beneficial.

Another way to support the Black community is through purchasing, listening, and sharing music and art from them. African Americans have shared excellent stories of themselves and their ancestors through paintings, songs, fashion, and other artwork. Supporting Black creators helps any struggling artists and educates people about African American perspectives.

“It’s so important to showcase artists from all ethnic groups because it is a reflection of the actual world,” said art teacher Mrs. Sachs. “Not everyone can express themselves fully with words, so art becomes their voice.”

Books are another engaging way of discussing injustice and racism toward Black people. Storytelling can help others understand its impact through different styles and forms. Books from Black authors that teach and practice anti-racism are everywhere. By sharing these literary works from Black writers, we can spread the word of equality.

Charities and organizations are doing the same in educating and supporting anti-racism. With the uprising of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, they are doing much to combat Black prejudice and hatred. However, they need donors to continue aiding the Black community. Small organizations such as the Amistad Law Project and Loveland Therapy Fund are ones to consider donating.

Although the pandemic keeps everyone in their rooms, there are still countless ways of giving back to the Black Community. The fight for equity and equality is rising, and the ability to contribute to the movement has never been more accessible. Although Black History Month is over, the fight for equality never stops. Injustice in the Black community never rests, which is why this world cannot either.

Written by Stacey Martinez | Graphic Designed by Reema Shather