When Being Overly Sensitive to Cultural Becomes Insensitive

ePathfinderKiet LePerspectivesStacey Martinez

When Being Overly Sensitive to Cultural Becomes Insensitive

Realizing what is Truly Right and Wrong

America has an awkward position surrounding cultural climate. People are constantly trying to be polite toward a culture that is not their own. But sometimes, being overly sensitive comes off just as worse as insensitivity. When it comes to cultural appropriation versus appreciation, many do not understand what appropriation means. Cultural appropriation involves the adoption of customs, practices, ideas, and more without proper acknowledgment or respect to the said culture.

A perfect example is controversy over Kim Kardashian’s cornrows, which she called “Bo Derek braids.” Wearing the hairstyle of another race is not cultural appropriation. However, her reference to the caucasian star paid no recognition toward the true origin of the braids, Africa. The celebrity’s rude and uncaring reaction to the backlash is not the only disappointment from the controversy. It is that she is raising black daughters yet does poorly to respect the culture.

As humans do, they make mistakes. Unintentionally appropriating one’s culture can be a human error. That is why a genuine apology for the disrespectful behavior done is the very least of human decency to those directly affected. But what Kim Kardashian showed was ignorance and toxicity in a world with too much of it.

It is crucial to point out people’s errors to make up for and learn from their mistakes, but many Americans do this in the worst way possible. They project their false definitions of cultural appropriation on posts they incorrectly find insensitive to a race.

The kimono debate is no exception. Many Americans believe white people wearing such apparel is disrespectful and “steals Japanese culture.” But appreciating those behind the outfit and its cultural significance is nothing rude at all. Evan dressing in one to cosplay or have fun is not insensitive to a lot of Japanese people. The donning of the kimono is appealing to many Japanese natives.

People cannot forget that educating themselves on cultures other than their own can evolve all of society. This includes acknowledging one’s ethnicity through wearing their clothing. Humans will inevitably make mistakes. But those who make mistakes should realize the problem and make a proper apology for those they hurt. 

Those who see these people’s mistakes should know when to forgive or not. One should consider how the culture affected feels about the matter and make their opinion with that in mind. But being offended on behalf of the culture appropriated is very self-absorbed and ignorant. It is okay to adopt something of another culture with the intent of being conscious and polite. Humans can only progress as a whole by tolerating and educating one another, including cultural appreciation.

Written by Stacy Martinez | Graphic Designed by Kiet Le