Whispers of Influence

Annabella PalomboePathfinderPerspectives

Whispers of Influence

Issues with peer pressure

Peer pressure has always been evident, but even with the growing awareness and support of society with this common issue, some instances still slip from everyone’s fingers. Pressuring influences from any group members can often have many adverse effects especially on adolescents.

It is good to recognize when one feels uncomfortable due to peer pressure, which can present in various forms. A classmate may make it seem uncool or childish not to give in to their suggestions, but this is rarely true. Many activities can result in injury or potential danger, even if it is called or considered cool. Engaging in activities such as vaping, smoking, or drinking; where peer pressure is often called out for the blame, can also impact the health and well-being of a person, many of which could be lifelong health issues.

“Peer pressure is a problem for sure,” said Deerfield Beach High School freshman Christoph Powell. “This person tried to get me to vape; I said no, but they were very pushy.”

Group pressure can have negative impacts on mental health. When complying, the pressured individual must deal with whatever comes with the task they gave into. This could lead to addiction, negative changes in self-image, guilt, depression, etc. However, if someone says no, they may end up in another end, the end where being made fun of or made into an outcast is the result. Combating this can be difficult, and it takes self-esteem and knowledge of self-worth to do what one feels is best.

“At first glance, peer pressure may seem negative, but it can have a positive influence depending on the context. Sometimes it is just someone trying to help you do or become better,” said DBHS senior Lailah Dorelus.

The thought of peer pressure having a positive outcome can be a troublesome possibility for people/victims to consider. But after all the consolation one can receive, some take it as motivation to shoot for the stars, develop new skills, and push themselves out of their comfort zones. They can also foster a new sense of belonging and be encouraged to participate in positive actions that help with mental health, such as participating in extracurricular activities or volunteering. Although given a bad reputation, some forms of peer pressure can change a person for the better.

Peer pressure can have both positive and negative effects, but it all depends on how that person takes it for themselves. Nonetheless, it will always have the power to influence and change lives so it is crucial to take into consideration what might change depending on the choice a person is about to make.

Written by Annabella Palombo | Graphic Designed by Annabella Palombo